Figure 3.
Characteristics of circ_0132266 in CLL patients and cell lines. (A) The schematic showed the screening rules of circRNAs that might regulate miR-337-3p. (B) Relative expression of the three candidate circRNAs in CLL patients and healthy individuals (n=30). (C) Expression correlation between miR-337-3p and circ_0132266 in CLL PBMCs. (D) The genomic loci of the MTO1 gene and circ_0132266. The expression of circ_0132266 was detected by qRT-PCR and was validated by Sanger sequencing. The relative expression of circ_0132266 and MTO1 mRNA after treatment of (E) actinomycin D and (F) RNase R. (G) qRT-PCR detected the levels of circ_0132266 and MTO1 mRNA after reverse transcribed with random primers and oligo (dt)18 primers.