Figure 6. SiRNA-mediated knockdown of IGF2 and RASSF2 recapitulates miR-615–5p functional effects in ECs.
(A) HUVECs were transfected with siRNA to RASSF2 (A-C), IGF2 (D-F), IGF2 and RASSF2 (G) or scrambled control (ctrl) siRNA. Protein expression was determined by Western analysis under baseline conditions (A, D) or in response to VEGF treatment (B,E) using antibodies to RASSF2, IGF2, p-Akt, Akt and GAPDH (n = 2 experiments). *P < 0.01. (C,F,G) migration of ECs were quantified by scratch assay. *P < 0.01. Results are representative of n = 3 replicates per group. All data represent means ± s.e.m.