Fig. 2.
CD11b/LIF transgene expression modulates inflammation and reduces fibrosis. a QPCR data showing Lif expression in muscles of CD11b/LIF transgenic mdx mice (LIF/mdx) and non-transgenic littermates (WT/mdx), normalized to WT/mdx. TA muscles: n = 10. Diaphragm muscles: n = 8 or 7 for WT/mdx and LIF/mdx data sets, respectively. * Indicates significant difference versus WT/mdx (P < 0.05). For all histograms, bars indicate mean ± sem. b, c Cross-sections of WT/mdx (b) and LIF/mdx (c) TA muscles labeled with anti-LIF. Bars = 50 μm. d Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of inflammatory lesions in sections immunolabeled for LIF. * Indicates significant difference from WT/mdx (n = 4; P < 0.05). e–j Cross-sections of muscles from WT/mdx and LIF/mdx mice were immunolabeled with antibodies to F4/80 (e) and CD163 (h). Numbers of F4/80+ (f, g) and CD163+ (i, j) cells were normalized to muscle volume. Labeling of F4/80+ (e) and CD163+ (h) cells in TA muscle from 1-month-old WT/mdx muscle. Bars = 100 μm. N = 5 for each group, except n = 4 for F4/80 WT/mdx 1- and 12-month TA, LIF/mdx 12-month TA, WT/mdx 1- and 3-month diaphragm, and CD163 WT/mdx 12-month TA data sets. k–p Cross-sections of TA (k, i) and diaphragm (n, o) muscles from 12-month-old WT/mdx (k, n) and LIF/mdx (l, o) mice were immunolabeled with anti-collagen type 1. Bars = 50 μm. The volume fraction of muscle occupied by collagen type 1 (m, p). N = 5 for each group, except n = 4 for 3-month TA. * Indicates significant difference versus age-matched WT/mdx mice (P < 0.05). # and Φ indicate significant difference versus 1- and 3-months-old, genotype-matched mice, respectively (P < 0.05). P-values based on two-tailed t-test. q–s The passive mechanical properties of TA muscles of WT/mdx (curves 1 and 2) and LIF/mdx (curves 3–5) mice were measured in-situ. Lissajous curves (q) show passive stiffness (r) and energy dissipation (s) of TAs. N = 2 and 3 for WT/mdx and LIF/mdx groups, respectively. * Indicates significant difference versus WT/mdx mice. P-values based on two-tailed t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file