Figure 3.
Transmission networks and community reservoirs of C. difficile RT014 in Australia. (A) summary of ST13 (n = 8) and ST2 (n = 10) RT014 clonal groups found in pigs and humans with CDI in Australia, adapted from Knight et al. (128). A clonal group is defined as two or more strains differing by <2 SNVs in their core genome. HCF, healthcare facility; NSW, New South Wales; SA, South Australia; VIC, Victoria; QLD, Queensland; INDET, indeterminate. (B) summary of RT014 ecological niches in Australia. 1Knight et al. (186); 2Collins et al. (188); 3Knight et al. (52); 4Moono et al. (151); 5Lim et al. (84); 6Lim et al. (122).