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. 2019 Jan 21;91(5):294–300. doi: 10.5414/CN109608

Table 4. Patients’ end-of-life care preferences, n (%).

Who do you rely on for social and emotional support during your illness and treatment?*
   Family/friends 360 (85.1)
   Doctor 54 (12.7)
   Nurse 32 (7.6)
   Hospital support counselor 19 (4.5)
   Spiritual advisor 24 (5.7)
   Others 25 (5.9)
If you are physically or mentally unable to make decisions for yourself, who would you choose to make medical decisions for you?*
   Family/friends 363 (85.8)
   Doctor 35 (8.3)
   Nurse 14 (3.3)
   Hospital support counselor 7 (1.6)
   Spiritual advisor 9 (2.1)
   Others 20 (4.7)
How do you normally get information that will help you make a personal decision about your health/well-being?*
   Specialist (e.g., kidney doctor)? 242 (57.2)
   Family physician 145 (34.3)
   Family/friends 103 (24.3)
   Paper resources 27 (6.4)
   Internet 45 (10.6)
   Media/TV 14 (3.3)
   Other 19 (4.5)
If you are currently receiving dialysis, why did you choose dialysis over conservative care (no dialysis)?
   Your doctor’s wish 190 (44.9)
   Your own personal wish 162 (38.3)
   Your family’s wish 32 (7.6)
   Don’t know/No response 39 (9.2)
If you are currently receiving dialysis, do you regret the decision to start dialysis?
   Yes 80 (18.9)
   No 315 (74.5)
   Don’t know/No response 28 (6.6)
Are you comfortable discussing end-of-life care issues with your family members?
   Yes 300 (70.9)
   No 39 (9.2)
   Don’t know/No response 84 (19.8)
Are you comfortable discussing end-of-life care issues with the nephrology staff?
   Yes 267 (63.1)
   No 72 (17)
   Don’t know/No response 84 (19.9)
Have you thought about what might happen with your illness in the future?
   Yes 284 (67.1)
   No 119 (28.1)
   Don’t know/No response 20 (4.7)
Has your doctor talked to you about how much time you have to live?
   Yes 45 (10.6)
   No 352 (83.2)
   Don’t know/No response 26 (6.1)
During the past 12 months, have you had a discussion with any of the following people about your choices concerning end-of-life care?*
   I have not had a discussion about these matters during the last 12 months. 222 (52.5)
   Family member 144 (34)
   Friend 40 (9.5)
   Family doctor 16 (3.8)
   Kidney doctor (nephrologist) 23 (5.4)
   Nurse or another person from healthcare team 9 (2.1)
   Social worker from dialysis unit 15 (3.5)
   Spiritual advisor 7 (1.6)
   Hospital Support counselor 7 (1.6)
   Others 8 (1.9)
Have you completed any of the following?*
   Living will 151 (35.7)
   Personal directive/MOLST 82 (19.4)
   Healthcare agent/proxy 36 (8.5)
   Enduring power of attorney 91 (21.5)
   None of the above/Don’t know 195 (46.1)
If you have completed an advance directive, what would you like to be done in case your heart stopped beating?
   Resuscitate (full code) 234 (55.3)
   Do not resuscitate 37 (8.7)
   Do not know/No response 152 (35.9)
There are a number of things doctors can do to try to revive someone whose heart has stopped beating, which usually includes a machine to help to breathe. Thinking of your current condition, what would you want your doctor to do if your heart stopped beating?
   Restart my heart, if possible, including using a breathing machine 273 (64.5)
   Allow me to die-do not try to restart my heart or use a breathing machine 54 (12.8)
   Don’t know/No response 74 (22.7)
If you had to choose at this time, would you prefer a course of treatment that focuses on extending life as much as possible, even if it means prolonging pain and discomfort, or would you want a plan of care that focuses on relieving pain and discomfort?
   Relieve pain or discomfort and improve quality of life as much as possible 172 (40.6)
   Live as long as possible 129 (30.5)
   No response/Don’t know 122 (28.8)
Where would you prefer to die?
   At home with a visiting palliative care support team 222 (52.4)
   In a hospice (palliative care) center 72 (17)
   Hospital 50 (11.8)
   Nursing home 2 (0.5)
   Other 39 (9.2)
   Don’t know/No response 38 (8.9)
Which members of the healthcare team would you like to talk with about end-of-life issues?*
   Kidney doctor (nephrologist) 160 (37.8)
   Family doctor/Primary care physician 105 (24.8)
   Nurse 31 (7.3)
   Social worker 38 (9)
   Hospital support counselor 24 (5.7)
   Spiritual advisor 34 (8)
   No one 102 (24.1)
   Other 23 (5.4)
When would you like to have these end-of-life conversations?
   When I become seriously ill or when the need arises (as defined by your medical team) 153 (36.2)
   When I specifically request it 117 (27.7)
   Before I am started on dialysis 22 (5.2)
   After I start on dialysis but before becoming ill. 89 (21)
   Don’t know/No response. 42 (10)
How often would you like to have your end-of-life care plan reviewed?
   Whenever the need arises 170 (40.2)
   Whenever I ask for this plan to be reviewed 109 (25.8)
   On a regular basis (i.e., annually, semi-annually) 77 (18.2)
   Other 38 (9)
   Don’t know/No response 29 (6.9)
Where would you like to have these end-of-life discussions?
   In a clinic 170 (40.2)
   While on dialysis but in a private room 127 (30)
   While on dialysis 66 (15.6)
   Don’t know/No response 60 (14.1)

*n’ is greater than 423 because multiple responses were allowed.