Bifurcation in the nanoelectrode–nanobubble system. Consider
nanobubbles generated by a reduction reaction, for example, H+ reduction. The relation between the reduction current, iF, and the electrode potential, E, exhibits three distinct regimes: (i) For E higher
than a critical bifurcation potential, Ebif (shown in blue), the formation of nanobubbles is thermodynamically
unfavorable. In this potential range, no nanobubble is formed at the
electrode, and the iF – E relation is single-valued (single branch, solid black
line). (ii) At potentials E < Ebif, the stable dynamical state exhibits a nanobubble
that blocks most of the electrode surface, thus limiting the magnitude
of the reduction current (stable branch, solid red line). If nucleation
of the nanobubble was instantaneous, the iF – E relation would transition smoothly between
branches (i) and (ii). (iii) Nucleation of the nanobubble takes place
at a finite rate. When the potential is switched or swept to E < Ebif, there is a time
interval in which no nanobubble is present at the electrode. The reduction
current is then larger than that in the stable branch at the same
potential since the entire electrode surface participates in the reduction
reaction (metastable branch, dashed black line). This results in a
higher degree of gas supersaturation near the electrode, which in
turns facilitates nucleation. Once nucleation occurs, the system switches
from the metastable to the stable branch (green arrows), where it
remains until the potential is increased to E > Ebif. In practice, the nanobubble nucleation
rate is immeasurably slow near E = Ebif but increases rapidly with increasing current, thus
permitting the experimental observation of nanobubbles.