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. 2018 Mar 28;38(13):3333–3345. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2640-17.2018

Table 5.

Model2: Time × CI within OA during the acquisition phase

Brain region Peak activation coordinates (x, y, z) Z value p value
OA-blocked (DAY1>DAY3) > OA-random (DAY1>DAY3)
    R SMA, also R S1 and R M1 10 −12 58 5.79 <0.001
    L CER lobe VI; also L CER lobe V, L CER lobes I–IV, and R CER vermis VIIIa −28 −48 −30 5.36 <0.001
    L S1, also L M1 −52 −30 60 5.58 <0.001
    L PMv; also L central opercular cortex, L posterior STG, L temporo-occipital MTG, and inferior LOC −62 0 30 5.15 <0.001
    R CER lobe V, also R CER lobes I–IV 18 −42 −16 4.51 0.001
    R insula; also R central opercular cortex, R PMv, and R planum polare 40 4 0 4.29 0.002
    L planum polare, also L central opercular cortex and L temporal pole −50 −2 −4 5.13 0.003
OA-random (DAY1>DAY3) > OA-blocked (DAY1>DAY3)
    L ventral precuneus; also L/R angular gyrus, L hippocampus, and L PCC −4 −38 50 5.95 <0.001
    L SFG, also L frontal pole and L IFG −26 30 52 4.64 <0.001
    L/R medial PFC, also L SFG 0 52 20 5.18 <0.001
    R CER CRII, also R occipital fusiform gyrus 24 −78 −40 4.54 <0.001
    L anterior MTG; also posterior temporal fusiform cortex, L frontal orbital cortex, L temporal pole, L amygdala, and L hippocampus −46 0 −28 4.53 <0.001
    R pallidum; also R putamen, R hippocampus, and R amygdala 28 −16 −2 5.37 0.001
    R temporal pole;, also R anterior STG, R anterior ITG, R anterior temporal fusiform cortex, and R anterior MTG 34 10 −32 4.84 0.004
    R occipital cortex V1, also L occipital cortex V1 and V2 6 −92 0 3.98 0.004
    L caudate, also L/R thalamus −12 2 24 4.11 0.005

Shown are locations of main cluster activation peaks (MNI coordinates) and Z scores for brain regions showing a significant Time × CI interaction effect from DAY1 to DAY3 acquisition phase in OA (Z > 2.3; cluster significance: p < 0.05, corrected). R, Right; L, left; CER, cerebellum; PMv, ventral premotor cortex; STG, superior temporal gyrus; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; V1, primary visual area; V2, secondary visual area.