Figure 8.
Biophysical properties of recombinant CaV2.1 are not altered by Nrxn1α. A, Voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation of CaV2.1 channels tested by a pre-pulse protocol in tsA201 cells expressing α1A, β3, and α2δ-1 subunits alone (black) or together with Nrxn1α (red). B, Analysis as in A expressing α1A, β3, and α2δ-3 subunits alone (black) or together with Nrxn1α (blue). C, Tail current amplitude at −40 mV after a 10 ms voltage step to the given pre-potential, recorded in tsA201 cells expressing CaV2.1/α2δ-1 without (black) or with Nrxn1α (red). D, Slope factor of the voltage dependence of the channel activation of CaV2.1/α2δ-1 without (black) or with Nrxn1α (red); n.s. = not significant, p = 0.204, by unpaired t test, t(21) = 1.32. E, Half-activation voltage of the voltage dependence of activation of CaV2.1/α2δ-1 tail current (as given in C) without (black) or with Nrxn1α (red); n.s. = not significant, p = 0.812, by unpaired t test, t(21) = 0.24. F, I–V curves of tail currents of CaV2.1/α2δ-1 without (black) or with Nrxn1α (red). G, Analysis of tail current deactivation time constant at −20 mV of CaV2.1/α2δ-1 without (black) or with Nrxn1α (red); n.s. = not significant, p = 0.199 by unpaired t test, t(17) = 1.34. Data are mean ± SEM. N = number of cells as shown in bars or in brackets from at least four independent experiments.