LDSI impairs afferent control of firing. A, Spiking is reliably inhibited by a single oIPSC from BNSTFu afferents (blue line), as shown in the current-clamp trace (top) and summary graph (bottom). B, Temporal schematic of experiment detailing timing of recordings, optical stimulation, and postsynaptic depolarization (square pulse). C, Action potentials in one cell are inhibited by optical stimulation at 10 Hz (dashed blue lines) before LDSI. D, Inhibition is less reliable following LDSI induction. E, Summary data of the mean changes in firing of 6 cells from 4 mice (4 male) during the 1 s, 10 Hz stimulation for both conditions (F(3,5) = 9.89, p = 0.0048). Scale bars: A, 50 mV, 20 ms; C, D, 50 mV, 200 ms. Post hoc versus baseline p-values are shown as follows: *p < 0.05. Data are shown as mean ± SEM.