Crystal structures of (A) recombinant human insulin (Humulin®) (PDB 4F0N) (Favero-Retto et al., 2013); (B) interferon (IFN) α-2b (PDB 3SE3) (Thomas et al., 2011); (C) granulocyte colony growth factor pegfilgrastim (Neupeg®) (PDB 1HRG) (Hill et al., 1993); (D) human interleukin-3 (PDB 5UV8) (Broughton et al., 2018); and (E) human serum albumin (Recombumin®and Albucult®) (PDB 1AO6) (Sugio et al., 1999). The models are colored according to the sequence by a rainbow color from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red).