Table 1 |.
DNA–protein interactions at groups of replication origins
Name | Definition | Species | Interaction | Refs |
Abf1 | ARS-binding factor 1 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Interacts with yeast replication origins in a sequence-specific manner | 94 |
Fkh1 and Fkh2 | Forkhead box protein 1 and forkhead box protein 2 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Bind a subset of yeast replication origins (Fkh1 only binds origins that initiate replication early), regulate initiation timing by clustering and participate in long-range chromatin interactions | 96 |
RB–E2F complex | A multiprotein complex containing a heterodimeric E2F transcription factor and an RB family member | Drosophila melanogaster | Interacts with ORCs and selectively binds replication origins at the chorion gene locus | 105 |
MYB–MUVB | Part of the DREAM–MYB–MUVB complex containing RB | Drosophila melanogaster | Interacts with ORCs, binds amplified replication origins and recruits histone acetylases | 106 |
XRCC5 | X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5 (also known as KU80) | Human | Interacts with primate replication origins in the G1 phase and with replication proteins | 175 |
HOXC13 | Homeobox protein HOXC13 | Human | Binds the human LMNB2 replication origin of the gene encoding human lamin and interacts with the pre-replication complex in a cell-cycle-dependent manner | 120 |
DUEB | DNA-unwinding element-binding protein B | Human | Binds DNA-unwinding elements at replication origins in the human MYC, LMNB2 and SCA10 loci, and interacts with pre-replication complexes at those sites | 176 |
ORCA | Origin recognition complex-associated protein | Human | Associates with human ORCs and stabilizes them on chromatin, and binds HP1 and H3K9me3 | 132 |
RepID | Replication-initiation determinant | Human | Binds to a group of human replication origins and is essential for their activation | 115 |
LMO2 | LIM domain only protein 2 (also known as rhombotin 2) | Human | Interacts with replication proteins and associates with some origins at promoters in human erythroleukaemic cells | 177 |
H3K79me2 | Dimethylated histone H3 lysine 79 | Human | Binds a group of human replication origins and is required for limiting replication such that it occurs only once per cell cycle | 58 |
GRWD1 | Glutamate-rich WD40-repeat-containing protein 1 | Human | Binds histones, CDT1 and CDC6 in human cells, colocalizes with CDC6 on chromatin and is required for MCM loading | 117 |
HBO1 | Histone acetyltransferase binding to ORC1 (also known as KAT7) | Human | Interacts with human CDT1 to activate replication origins | 60, 112 |
RECQL4 | RECQ-like DNA helicase type 4 | Human | Recruited to the origins at the human LMNB2, HBB and CSF2 loci, and is required for origin binding of MCM10 and CTF4 | 110, 111 |
BRPF3 | Bromodomain and PHD-finger-containing protein 3 | Human | Interacts with HBO1 to activate replication origins in open chromatin regions (for example, near TSSs) via histone acetylation | 60 |
ARS, autonomously replicating sequence; CDC6, cell division control protein 6; CSF2, colony stimulating factor 2; CTF4, chromosome transmission fidelity protein 4 (also known as DNA polymerase α-binding protein); DREAM, DRE-antagonist modulator (also known as calsenilin); HBB, haemoglobin subunit-β; HP1, heterochromatin protein 1; LMNB2, lamin B2; MCM, minichromosome maintenance; MUVB, Drosophila orthologue of human RB; ORC, origin recognition complex; PHD, PH domain; RB, retinoblastoma-associated protein; SCA10, spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 protein (also known as ataxin 10); TSS, transcription start site.