VaC |
Vaccine Candidates; proteins reported by Moriel et al. from Acinetobacter baumannii strain AYE and ATCC17978 |
ViF |
Virulent Factors; proteins reported by Moriel et al. from A. baumannii strain AYE and ATCC17978 |
KeF |
Key Factors; proteins retrieved from various databases and literature survey from strain AYE and ATCC17978 using common terms related to virulence |
Virulent Factors Database; database of several bacteria listing the known and/or predicted virulent factors as per literature |
Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins; meta-database listing known and predicted protein–protein interactions from biological organisms |
Cytoscape/Gephi |
Interacting Software for visualizing node and edges of a graph and integrating them together |
Protein Interaction Network; interaction pattern of proteins in a graphical form giving a network of nodes and edges |
Interactome |
A network of interacting entities; in the present study, this refers to Protein Interactome or PIN |
Interactors |
The molecules interacting in a network; in the present study, these are proteins interacting with VaC, ViF, or KeF |
VaC PIN of A. baumannii; interactome of VaC with their interactors of strain ATCC19606 retrieved from STRING and visualized through Cytoscape/Gephi |
ViF PIN of A. baumannii; interactome of ViF with their interactors of strain ATCC19606 retrieved from STRING and visualized through Cytoscape/Gephi |
KeF PIN of A. baumannii; interactome of KeF with their interactors of strain ATCC19606 retrieved from STRING and visualized through Cytoscape/Gephi |
Small PIN of A. baumannii; this refers to VaCAB/ViFAB/KeFAB of A. baumannii strain ATCC19606 |
Genomic PIN of A. baumannii; interactome of the total number of proteins of whole genome of A. baumannii strain ATCC19606 retrieved from STRING and visualized through Cytoscape/Gephi |
Network Analyser |
Java Plug-in for Cytoscape for graph theoretical analysis of the network of nodes and edges |
CytoNCA |
Cytoscape Network Centrality Analyser; Cytoscape Java Plug-in for graph theoretical analysis of the network of nodes and edges |
Centrality Measures |
Graph theoretical measures for assessing the central character of nodes |
Betweenness/Closeness/Degree/Eigenvector centrality measures; reflect measures for nodes of central passage/proximity/connectivity/weightage, respectively |
k-Core |
Maximally connected sub-graph of nodes having at least k-degree; achieved by gradually pruning all nodes of degree less than k |
Modules |
Sub-graphs of nodes having common aspects with respect to common biological functions |
Functional Connectivity |
Different classes of within-module and between-module connectivity |
An approach combining k-core, functional connectivity, and centrality measures |
Standalone BLAST |
Offline Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; this comprises a downloadable version of the sequence alignment tool that can be installed locally on system and can be used with command lines to find the match/mismatch/gap between the given sequences |
Cluster of Orthologous Groups; similar groups of proteins having related functions |