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. 2019 Jun 20;10:774. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00774



The localization of NSE4A in root meristem cells. (A) Global view of a living A. thaliana root meristem expressing a genomic NseA::GFP construct under the control of the endogenous Nse4A promoter. The cell undergoing mitosis (in the rectangle) shows that the nuclear NSE4A-GFP signals are present in interphase (0 min), disappear from the chromosomes during metaphase (2–10 min) and are recovered in telophase at chromatin (26 min). During metaphase a slight cytoplasm labeling is visible. (B) The ultrastructural analysis by super-resolution microscopy (SIM) confirms the presence of NSE4A within euchromatin, and indicates its absence from the nucleolus (n) and heterochromatin (chromocenters, arrows) in root meristem G1 and G2 nuclei. During meta- and anaphase NSE4A mainly disappears from the chromosomes, but stays slightly present within the cytoplasm. In young daughter nuclei (G1 phase) NSA4A becomes recovered. The localization of NSE4A-GFP expressed by pnse4A::gNse4A::GFP transgenic A. thaliana plants was detected by anti-GFP antibodies in fixed roots.