Methods. A, Visual stimuli consisted in a video sequence of a cone placed in a 3D environment and looming toward the animal's face. The red dot corresponds to the spatial location the monkey was required to fixate to be rewarded. B, The trajectory of the looming cone could start from four different points in the back of the visual scene, four ipsilateral and four contralateral to the predicted impact location with respect to the monkey's face. C, Tactile stimulations were directed to the center of the face thanks to airpuffs directed to the left or right cheek, coinciding with the predicted impact of the looming visual stimulus on the monkey's face. D, We used a mixed fMRI design. Each run was thus composed of five conditions organized in blocks (15 pulses per condition), during which visual (looming cone) and tactile (50 ms airpuff) events were organized as follows: a unimodal visual stimulation condition (V), a unimodal tactile stimulation condition (T), a bimodal condition in which the visual stimulus is spatially and temporally predictive of the tactile stimulus (VT_Full), a bimodal condition in which the visual stimulus predicting the tactile stimulus spatially but preceding the expected impact in time (V_Asynch) and a bimodal condition in which the visual stimulus predicting the tactile stimulus temporally but is spatially incongruent with the tactile stimulus (VT_Incong).