EE-VEx reversed impaired adult DG neurogenesis in mice with chronic inflammatory pain. A, Representative immunofluorescence images showing adult neurogenesis in the dDG (top) and vDG (bottom). Magnified views of areas in the white box were shown in the bottom left corner of each image. Scale bars, 100 μm. Arrowheads point to BrdU/DCX colabeled neurons. B, Cell population-based dendrite complexity analysis. Areas between two parallel white lines (80 μm) were used to analyze the dendrite complexity. GCL, Granular cell layer; ML, molecular layer. C, D, Numbers of BrdU/DCX colabeled neurons (C) and dendrite complexity of DCX-labeled immature neurons (D) decreased in dDG and vDG in chronic inflammatory pain. EE-VEx promoted neurogenesis in both normal and inflammatory mice. n = 8 in each group. *p < 0.05 vs BH plus saline; #p < 0.05 vs BH plus CFA, t test.