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Table 2.

Activity in cerebellar cortex during the acquisition phase

Condition/cluster Side x, y, z (mm) Location Cluster voxel size (mm3) t
Paired CS–US
    1. Main cluster Bilateral Left: V,VI, Crus I, Crus II, VIIb, VIIIa; vermis: VI, Crus I, Crus II, VIIb, VIIIa; right: V, VI, Crus I, Crus II, VIIb 5123
    Left −11 −77 −30 Crus I 762 9.55
    Left −7 −76 −15 VI 1202 6.64
    Right 8 −65 −15 V 342 6.61
    Right 8 −76 −31 Crus II 96 6.58
    Right 10 −74 −18 VI 982 6.56
    Left −12 −72 −23 VI 1202 5.81
    Vermis 0 −77 −28 Crus II 116 5.70
    Left −16 −70 −43 VIIb 200 5.67
    Left −7 −68 −35 VIIb 200 5.67
    2. Extended cluster Left VI, Crus I 2209
    Left −25 −61 −26 VI 1920 7.87
    Left −39 −56 −27 Crus I 289 6.28
    Left −37 −65 −23 VI 1920 5.90
    Left −25 −75 −20 VI 1920 5.08
    3. Extended cluster Right VI, Crus I 2754
    Right 44 −51 −26 Crus I 570 6.77
    Right 32 −56 −29 VI 2184 6.48
    Right 26 −63 −23 VI 2184 6.30
    Right 38 −56 −23 VI 2184 5.36
    4. Extended cluster Left I to IV 70
    Left −6 −40 −18 I to IV 70 6.19
    Left −9 −41 −28 I to IV 70 5.92
    5. Extended cluster Bilateral I to IV left, I to IV right 212
    Left 0 −50 −19 I to IV 151 5.94
    Left −2 −55 −11 I to IV 151 5.42
    6. Left −11 −54 −41 IX 91 6.93
    7. Bilateral −1 −62 −1 V left, V right 62 5.87
    8. Right 27 −69 −46 Crus II, VIIb, VIIIa 368 5.79
    9. Right 6 −56 −2 I to IV, V 31 5.65
    10. Left −39 −61 −33 Crus I 224 5.56
    11. Vermis 0 −53 −36 IX, X 53 5.44
    12. Left −40 −59 −45 Crus I, Crus II 35 5.25
    13. Right 33 −48 −51 VIIb, VIIIa 67 5.15
    1. Main cluster Bilateral Left: VI, Crus I, Crus II, VIIb; vermis: VI, Crus I, Crus II; right: VI 10778
    Left −27 −64 −19 VI 4648 7.30
    Left −12 −75 −35 Crus II 2549 7.25
    Left −27 −61 −27 VI 4648 7.24
    Left −20 −77 −41 Crus II 2549 6.56
    Left −24 −69 −46 VIIb 1066 5.95
    Left −19 −71 −26 VI 4648 5.94
    Right 8 −75 −17 VI 401 5.75
    Left −11 −74 −21 VI 4648 5.38
    2. Right/vermis 7 −77 −34 Vermis: VI, Crus II; right: VI,Crus I, Crus II 618 6.54
    3. Right 33 −50 −50 VIIb, VIIIa 213 4.76
    4. Left −10 −55 −47 IX 77 4.70
    5. Right 23 −65 −46 VIIb, VIIIa 160 4.37
    6. Right 38 −52 −30 VI, Crus I 354 4.24
    7. Right 35 −56 −21 VI 56 4.19
    8. Right 13 −74 −47 VIIb 40 4.06

In first level analysis, five blocks of 20 paired CS–US events and 5 blocks of 5 CS-only events were modeled. Activations were calculated with a one-sample t test over first-level contrasts spanning the five respective acquisition blocks. Results are thresholded at the level of p < 0.05 (permutation corrected, t = 4.67) for paired CS–US trials and at trend level (p < 0.001 uncorrected, t = 3.58) for CS-only trials. Multiple local maxima within one cluster are reported with a minimum distance of 8 mm. In single-peaked clusters spanning multiple lobules, peak location is underlined; in multipeaked clusters voxel size is presented for each lobule with a local peak, total voxel size is given in the first line.