Figure 9.
miR-1906 agomir suppressed TLR4 expression in neurons in vitro. A, Intracellular miR-1906 expression increased with increasing doses of the miR-1906 agomir (compared with the control group, Student's t test, n = 3). B, No significant differences in TLR4 mRNA expression were observed among the tested dosages (compared with the control group, Student's t test, n = 4). C, D, TLR4 protein expression was decreased in neurons receiving the miR-1906 agomir at final concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 nm (0.50-fold, p = 0.0349; 0.44-fold, p = 0.0440; and 0.32-fold, p = 0.0058, respectively; compared with the same dose of the mismatch control, Student's t test, n = 4). E, Both the miR-1906 and mismatch agomirs were able to penetrate cultured neurons in vitro under normal conditions and after OGD. Diminished TLR4 signals were observed in cell cultures receiving the miR-1906 agomir. Neurons receiving the mismatch agomir exhibited more severely damaged overall appearances after OGD than those receiving the miR-1906 agomir, mainly based on the integrity of axons and dendrites. Scale bar, 50 μm (upper scale bar), 10 μm (lower scale bar). *p < 0.05, n as indicated.