Additional Dlx5/6 labeling in Dlx5/6-cre-Ai9-tdTomato mice and Erbb4 was also deleted in the CPu MSNs but not PV-expressing interneurons in cKO mice. A, Sagittal section (ML ± 1.44 mm) of adult Ai9;Dlx5/6-cre report mice. tdTomato-positive neurons in somatosensory cortex (B), striatum (C), hippocampal CA1 (D), and hypothalamus (E) (n = 3). SSC, Somatosensory cortex. Scale bars: A, 1 mm; B–E, 100 μm. F, DARPP32 staining to mark striatal MSNs in CPu. PV-expressing interneurons did not have labeled in Ai9;Dlx5/6-cre report mice (n = 1124 cell of 3 mice). Scale bars: top and middle row, 100 μm; bottom row, zoom for white box in middle row, 30 μm. G, Staining of ErbB4 and DARPP32 in control and cKO from the CPu slices with DAPI indicated nuclei location (n = 1512 cells of 3 Con and 1457 cells of 3 cKO mice). Scale bar, 10 μm.