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. 2017 Apr 5;37(14):3875–3886. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3138-16.2017

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Estrous cyclicity and fecundity of AgRP-LepR KO male and female mice compared with control animals. A, Frequency of occurrence of cycle stages in females. The stage of the estrous cycle was determined by the predominant presence of leukocytes (proestrus), cornified epithelial cells (estrus), or nucleated epithelial cells (metestrus or diestrus). There were no significant differences between AgRP-LepR KO and control animals. B, Representative examples of the cyclicity of AgRP-LepR KO and control female mice. C, There were no significant differences in the number of litters produced over 100 d between male or female AgRP-LepR KO and control animals. D, There were no significant differences in the average number of pups produced per litter between male or female AgRP-LepR KO and control animals. Male controls, n = 9; male AgRP-LepR KO, n = 8; female controls, n = 8; female AgRP-LepR KO, n = 10. P, Proestrus; E, estrus; M/D, metestrus/diestrus.