At disease onset, quantal content is no longer enhanced in S MUs and is decreased in FR MUs. A, B, Typical traces of spontaneous events in the S (A) and FR (B) NMJs from WT (top) and SOD1G37R (bottom) mice. C, D, Histograms showing the mean ± SEM of mEPP frequency (C) and amplitude (D) for S (green) and FR (blue) MUs. E, F, Traces of EPPs in the S (E) and FR (F) MUs in WT (left) and mutant (right) mice. G–I, Histograms showing the mean ± SEM of EPP amplitude (G), quantal content (H), and paired-pulse facilitation (I), for S (green) and FR (blue) MUs. Note that the quantal content of the SOD1 S MU is no longer larger than the WT MU, while it is now significantly smaller in the FR MU. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.