Neuroimaging results. A, Main effect of compound rule encoding: regions encoding which compound rule is currently active regardless of its hierarchical level. Brain regions representing rule identity were VLPFC, SPL and IPL, premotor cortex, postcentral gyrus and PrCG, and MOG. The effect in VLPFC is not driven only by LCR information despite the fact that the HCR whole-brain analysis (D, left) did not detect information in VLPFC. In fact, the ROI analysis in the significant LCR clusters demonstrates significant decoding accuracy for HCRs in VLPFC (C, right). B, Significant differences between LCR and HCR encoding: regions where decoding accuracies were different for LCRs and HCRs, whole-brain analysis. In PrCG (green) decoding accuracies were significantly higher for LCRs compared with HCRs. The barplot on the right shows the mean decoding accuracy for either LCRs or HCRs within this region. C, Results of the whole-brain decoding analysis for LCR identity. Brain regions encoding information about low-level rules (in pink) were VLPFC, PC, SPL, IPL, cerebellum, and MOG. The barplot on the right shows the mean decoding accuracy for HCRs in the LCR ROIs (yellow bars). D, Results of the whole-brain decoding analysis for HCR identity. Brain regions containing information on high-level rules (in yellow) were SPL, PC, IPL, and MTG. The HCR whole-brain decoding analysis was not significant in VLPFC (green circle). However, HCR information was detectable in this region when a more sensitive ROI-based approach was used (sixth bar in the bar plot in C and see text section “Overlap between LCR and HCR representations”). The barplot on the right represents the mean decoding accuracy for LCRs in the HCR ROIs (pink bars). The results of the ROI analyses (barplots in C and D) confirmed that information about LCRs was present in all HCR ROIs and that HCR information was present in all LCR ROIs except cerebellum. Color scales represent t-values for the group-level statistics. Error bars indicate SEM. rMOG = right MOG; lMOG = left MOG; Cer = cerebellum. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.