Viral restoration of GPR88 expression to the striatum restored performance during lever press training (FR1, alternating lever presentation Sessions 1–5). A, Representative image of the degree of transduction after viral GPR88 reexpression. Red represents tdTomato. Blue represents DAPI. LV, Lateral ventricle. B, Baseline body weight was diminished in KO mice that received control viral injection (vKO, n = 8). C, These mice made fewer responses during lever press training. KO mice with GPR88 expression virally restored to the striatum (vrKO, n = 12) acquired the lever press response similar to WT mice that received control viral injection (vWT, n = 12). D, Percent responses made on the preferred lever during BP did not differ between groups. Percent preference = no. of responses on preferred lever/total no. of responses on both levers. Preferred lever was defined as the lever that received the highest number of responses during the BP session (choice trials). E, Percent food pellets consumed did not differ between groups (cumulative, Sessions 1–5, and BP). *p < 0.05 vs vWT.