The model simulations reproduced the progressive build-up over trials of a significant DI in the overlapping condition for both rats and mice. It also reproduced a positive DI at the test trial for the stable condition. A. DI of model simulated with optimal parameter values (from Tables 1 and 2) for rats and mice. Triangles represent overlapping condition, squares stable, and grey circles random as in Fig 2. B. DI at test trial in model simulations. C. Time course of Entropy of Object 2 in simulations. The model predicts that high DIs are due to a high entropy (i.e., uncertainty) associated to Object 2 (moving object). D. Shows the DI at last training trial and test for different parameter values of α and β. Neophilic behavior (yellow) is obtained for positive β while neophobic behavior (blue) is obtained for negative β. Moreover, α < 0.5 is ideal to obtain a high DI in the overlapping condition, while higher α is acceptable for the test trial of the stable condition. Data in S9 Data. DI, discrimination index.