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. 2019 Jun 18;24:359–366. doi: 10.12659/AOT.914690
A. Alcohol use relapse Odds ratio 95% CI P
Days post liver transplantation 1.0008 1.0001–1.0014 0.015
Cigarette smoking 5.9201 1.6665–21.0308 0.006
Loss of social status (divorce, loss of partner, single) 7.6115 2.0859–27.7745 0.0021

Cox & Snell R2=0.3195, significance liver: P<0.0001, AUROC=0.857 (0.767–0.922), 82.02% correctly classfied. Variables entered: days survived, cigarette smoking, loss of social status, compliance with controls and age. Variables excluded: compliance with controls, age.