Figure 2.
B cell deficient µMT mice failed to expand the pool of splenic and uterine Treg cells as wild type (WT) controls did. (a) The number of B220+ splenic B cells remained stable in WT mice at midgestation compared to naïve mice. (b) In uterine tissue, the number of B cells increased in WT mice that were pregnant at gd10 when compared to naïve WT animals. In µMT mice, the frequency of B cells was, as expected, almost undetectable and this did not change upon pregnancy neither in spleen nor in uterus. Representative plots are shown in (c). (d,e) The number of regulatory T cells (Treg) was increased in pregnant WT mice at gd10 in spleen (c) and uterus (d) when compared to non-pregnant control females, while the Treg levels remained unaltered in pregnant µMT mice when compared to non-pregnant µMT mice (d,e). (f) Shows representative plots. (g) The number of splenic Treg cells correlated with the number of B220+ B cells in both WT and µMT mice. Data are analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test and shown as median. n = 4–6 mice/group; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.