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. 2019 Jun 27;6:101. doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0084-8

Online-only Table 5.

Criteria weight ranges applied within the uncertainty analysis for all 13 development potential indices (DPIs).

Sector Criteria
Resource yield Distance to major roads Distance to railway or port Electricity accessibility Distance to electrical grid Distance to urban areas Landcover Inverse population density Distance to oil and gas fields Market accessibility Land supply elasticity Distance to demand centers Distance to coal power plants Active coal mine density
CSP [0.309–0.542] [0.068–0.209] [0.022–0.045] NA [0.133–0.365] [0.031–0.095] [0.058–0.201] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PV [0.303–0.533] [0.103–0.208] [0.022–0.038] NA [0.113–0.354] [0.044–0.139] [0.060–0.223] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Wind [0.295–0.503] [0.054–0.195] [0.054–0.195] NA [0.130–0.342] [0.018–0.037] [0.038–0.111] [0.025–0.082] NA NA NA NA NA NA
Hydro [0.311–0.535] [0.029–0.093] [0.029–0.093] NA [0.060–0.167] [0.022–0.044] NA [0.226–0.417] NA NA NA NA NA NA
Coal [0.198–0.460] [0.070–0.158] [0.095–0.281] [0.026–0.061] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [0.020–0.034] [0.198–0.460]
CO [0.355–0.597] [0.031–0.084] [0.041–0.116] [0.063–0.211] NA NA NA NA [0.152–0.393] NA NA NA NA NA
CG [0.288–0.555] [0.055–0.137] [0.026–0.045] [0.078–0.372] NA NA NA NA [0.173–0.456] NA NA NA NA NA
UO [0.281–0.575] [0.102–0.362] [0.031–0.073] [0.049–0.171] NA NA NA NA [0.102–0.362] NA NA NA NA NA
UG [0.253–0.555] [0.101–0.365] [0.030–0.060] [0.049–0.170] NA NA NA NA [0.120–0.423] NA NA NA NA NA
MM [0.300–0.635] [0.095–0.390] [0.095–0.390] [0.052–0.167] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
NMM [0.241–0.613] [0.065–0.287] [0.065–0.287] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [0.140–0.449] NA NA
Crop [0.196–0.661] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [0.143–0.571] [0.108–0.493] NA NA NA
Bio [0.196–0.661] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [0.143–0.571] [0.108–0.493] NA NA NA

Weight ranges were derived from increasing and decreasing importance values by two points across all other criteria in the sector-specific AHP judgement matrix. Cell values of “NA” indicate criteria were not used for that DPI analysis and therefore not applicable for the uncertainty analysis too. Abbreviations of sector are as follows: CSP – concentrated solar power, PV – photovoltaic solar power, Wind – wind power, Hydro – hydropower, CO – conventional oil, CG – conventional gas, UO – unconventional oil, UG - unconventional gas, MM – metallic minerals, NMM – nonmetallic minerals, Crop – cropland expansion, Bio – biofuels expansion.