Figure 7.
Mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) in myofibroblasts of colon co-treated with TNF-α (20 ng/mL) alone or in combination with the different digested-buckwheat (BW) products for 48 h. (A) myofibroblasts co-treated with TNF-α and the BW-enhanced breads (bBW and b500BW) or BW groats (BWg, fBWg) and (B) BW sprouts (BWs100). The results are expressed as the average of the IP/DHR ratio obtained from three independent experiments (n = 3) and each assay analyzed in duplicate. Abbreviations: Ct: control digesta; bBW: bread baked from “BIO” wheat flour and roasted BW flour (50/50%); b500BW: bread baked from wheat flour type 500 and roasted BW flour (50/50%); BWg: roasted BW groats; fBWg: ‘Tempeh’ type product from dehulled roasted BW; BWs100: solution obtained from the digestion of 100 mg of BW sprouts; IP: propidium iodide; DHR: dihydrorhodamine.