(a) Reported diffusivity enhancements of active
enzymes as a function of turnover numbers. (b) Comparison of diffusion
coefficients of free, inactive enzymes measured in FCS experiments
and those measured by other methods. The predictions of diffusion
coefficients based on the molecular weights were made according to
the Young–Carroad–Bell model in aqueous solution at
20 °C (ref (43)). The diffusion coefficients of enzymes from FCS measurements (solid
circles) can be found in Table 1; the reported diffusion coefficients from other methods (open
circles) are hexokinase, 56.4 μm2/s, ref (42); aldolase, 46.3 μm2/s, ref (44); catalase, 41 μm2/s, ref (41); F1-ATPase,
31 μm2/s, ref (45); and urease, 31 μm2/s, ref (46).