Fig. 3.
Lusophone migratory system depicting global migratory flows between the CPLP countries herein studied (orange arrows). Total migratory flow is indicated and proportionally represented by each arrow connecting these countries/regions. The percentage values indicated within parentheses represent the fraction of the total outward migratory flow from the country of origin. It is noteworthy the role played by Portugal as a central hub in this migratory system and the intense migratory events occurring between Portugal, Angola and Brazil. Part of the African diaspora is also represented in the present map as a major mass migratory event, taking place over four centuries, connecting the African continent with Brazil and leading to the introduction of at least 4,000,000 African slaves (yellow arrow). Another more recent and historical mass migratory event, with potential impact on the Portuguese M. tuberculosis populational structure in Portugal, occurred during the 70's as the result of the return of Portuguese settlers following the end of the Portuguese Colonial War (green arrow). Source: Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2015; figure generated using Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2016 [Version 1707] and Microsoft® Excel® 2016 (Version 1707), incl. Microsoft® Power Map 3D Data Visualization Tool ( (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)