Fig. 1.
GMAP210 is present in membranes purified from T lymphocytes and containing LAT. a JCAM2.5 LAT-deficient T-cells expressing a chimeric mouse LAT coupled to two Strep-Tag (LAT-TST) were mechanically disrupted. The membrane fraction was then submitted to a floatation gradient on iodixanol. After ultracentrifugation, 10 fractions from top to bottom were collected and submitted to SDS–PAGE and Western blot analysis. b Transmission electron microscopy performed on membranes from fraction 3 showing an immunogold staining for LAT (6 nm gold particles) and GMAP210 (10 nm gold particles). Scale bar: 50 nm. c Fraction 3 prepared from JCAM2.5 (JCAM) or JCAM2.5 expressing LAT-TST (LAT-TST) were prepared as in a. They were mixed with Strep-Tactin Sepharose and submitted to SDS–PAGE and Western blot analysis. The presence of GMAP210, GM130, LAT-TST, and VAMP7 in: the fraction 3 before precipitation; the Strep-Tactin precipitates (StepTactin); and the total lysates obtained in the presence of detergent (Lysate), are shown. Ratios showing the relative expression of the different proteins in JCAM2.5 expressing LAT-TST as compared to the expression in JCAM2.5 are presented under each WB (LAT-TST/JCAM). d Transmission electron microscopy images of fixed Jurkat cells overexpressing LAT showing an immunogold staining for LAT (6 nm gold particles) and GMAP210 (10 nm gold particles); c centriole; g Golgi apparatus. Red arrows show small vesicles presenting both LAT and GMAP210 staining, blue arrows show a bigger vesicle “capping” a centriole. White Scale bar: 1 μm, gray scale bar: 500 nm, black scale bar: 200 nm. Data represent three independent experiments (a) and one experiment (b–d)