Fig. 5.
GMAP210 captures vesicles carrying VAMP7. a Confocal images showing the relative localization of VAMP7 (green) and CTR433 (red) in Jurkat cells expressing control (ShC) or GMAP210 specific shRNA (Sh3, Sh8) (GMAP210, nucleus in gray). Dot plot on the right side of the panel show the quantification of the percentage of CTR433 (Golgi marker) overlapping with VAMP7 (Manderson coefficient). Scale bar 5 μm. Each dot = one cell; horizontal lines = median. ****P < 0.0001 (one-way ANOVA). b Confocal images showing the localization of VAMP7 or VAMP3 (red) in Jurkat cells expressing a GFP-GMAP210-ActA chimera (GFP-GMAP210-Mit) or a GFP-ActA chimera (GFP-Mit), treated for 4 h with nocodazol (5 μg/mL) (nucleus in blue and mitochondria in Gray). Dot plot on the right side of the panel shows the quantification of the percentage of VAMPs (VAMP7 or VAMP3) overlapping with the GFP staining (GFP-mit or GFP-GMAP210-mit, Manderson coefficient). Scale bar 5 μm. Each dot = one cell; horizontal lines = median. ****P < 0.0001, ns: non-significant (one-way ANOVA). Data and Images represent two independent experiments in a and b