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. 2019 Jun 28;10:2858. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10750-8

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Identification of trhP responsible for tRNA hydroxylation. a Mass-spectrometric shotgun analysis of total tRNAs in E. coli strains. Extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) show multiply charged negative ions of the anticodon-containing fragments of tRNAVal1 with U34 (upper panels) and cmo5U34 (lower) in total tRNAs from wild-type (left), ∆yegQ (center), and ∆yegQ/∆yhbU/∆yhbV/∆rlhA strains (right). Sequence, m/z value, and charge state of each fragment are shown on the right. Asterisks indicate nonspecific peaks with the same m/z values. b Mass-spectrometric analysis of the wobble modification in E. coli tRNAAla1 isolated from WT (left panels) and ∆yegQ (right) strains. XICs show anticodon-containing fragments of tRNAAla1 with U34 (top panels), cmo5U34 (middle panels), and mcmo5U34 (bottom panels). The cleavage sites of RNase T1 are shown in Fig. 1a. It is assumed that cmo5U detected in this tRNA was generated by artificial hydrolysis of mcmo5U during tRNA isolation13. The black arrowhead indicates a small peak corresponding to the U34-containing fragment detected in the WT. c Modification frequencies of cmo5U derivatives at the wobble position of six tRNA species isolated from WT and ∆yegQ strains. Relative compositions of each modification were calculated from the peak area ratio of mass chromatograms of RNase T1 digest fragments containing mcmo5Um (red), mcmo5U (green), cmo5U (blue), or U (gray) at the wobble position (Supplementary Fig. 2)13. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. d Gene organization of a B. subtilis operon containing yrrM, yrrN, and yrrO. Genomic positions in B. subtilis are indicated. The new name for each gene is shown in parenthesis. e Mass-spectrometric shotgun analysis of total tRNAs in B. subtilis strains. XICs are shown of doubly charged negative ions of the anticodon-containing fragments of tRNAVal1a,b with U34 (top panels), ho5U34 (middle panels), and mo5U34 (bottom panels) in total tRNA from wild-type (leftmost panels), ∆yrrN (left panels), ∆yrrO (middle panels), ∆yrrN/∆yrrO (right panels), and ∆yrrM (rightmost panels) strains