Willingness to Work Path Models: A. Model where all relations (blue) are constrained to be one equal value (a); B. Model that constrains the relations of the 12% probability of reward condition (orange) to be an equal value (b) across negative and neutral word N-Back, constrains the relations of the 50% probability of reward condition (gray) to be an equal value (c) across negative and neutral word N-Back, constrains the relations of the 88% probability of reward condition (green) to be an equal value (d) across negative and neutral word N-Back, but b, c, and d can vary from one another; C. Model that constrains the relations of the Neutral N-Back (purple) to be an equal value (e) across EEfRT conditions and constrains the relations of the Negative N-Back (red) to be an equal value (f) across EEfRT conditions, but e and f can vary from one another; D. all paths (g-l) can vary from one another.