ΔV1/2 as a function of concentration of DSB-P in the
absence (A) and presence (B) of 3 μM DTB-P.
Data in A are from Figure 3.
The data in B are from 32 independent recordings. In both panels,
the solid blue lines are simultaneous fits of the common site model (S=4) to the
data in these two panels with all constants other than JOI
and JcI held equal to the values determined in Figure 5 (see Table 4). JOI and JcI as
determined from these fits were 881 ± 1,801 and 3,696 ± 2,948,
respectively. The dashed blue line in B is the predicted behavior
for the distinct site model at S=4 with parameters as described above. Discrete
fits of the four models yielded χ2 values of 165 and 167
(distinct site) and 600 and 128 (common site) at S equal to 1 and 4,
respectively. The symbols and red line in A are the observed
ΔV1/2 for DSB-P and IC50-adjusted DTB-P fit
line (IC50 set to 355 μM) reproduced from the DSB-P panel of
Figure 3. In B, the green
lines report the mean value of ΔV1/2 (solid) and SEM (dashed)
elicited by 3 μM DTB-P in paired controls.