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. 2019 Jun 3;116(26):12775–12780. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1902314116

Table 1.

Results of the stochastic frontier model fit to the longitudinal panel dataset (1984–2017)

Variable Coef. SE Avg. marginal effect, $§
Base cost inefficiency model
ln Attendance (visitor-hours)/acre 0.255*** 0.014 26.16
ln Capital expenditures/acre 0.027*** 0.004 6.08
ln Revenue/acre 0.064*** 0.007 7.78
ln Labor (person-hours)/acre§ 0.422*** 0.015 10.12
 Constant 3.087*** 0.062
Uσ constant −3.407*** 0.092
Vσ constant −3.479*** 0.059
 θ constant 0.329*** 0.020
σU 0.182*** 0.008
σV 0.176*** 0.005
 λ 1.037*** 0.012
Base cost inefficiency model with state-specific climate covariates
ln Attendance (visitor-hours)/acre 0.250*** 0.015 25.43
ln Capital expenditures/acre 0.027*** 0.004 6.07
ln Revenue/acre 0.064*** 0.008 7.76
ln Labor (person-hours)/acre§ 0.425*** 0.016 10.20
 Precipitation, cm/y 2.5e−4 3.6e−4 93.73
 Average temperature, °C 0.003* 1.7e−3 11.51
 Constant 3.097*** 0.069
Uσ constant −3.401*** 0.092
Vσ constant −3.485*** 0.059
 θ constant 0.319*** 0.023
σU 0.183*** 0.008
σV 0.175*** 0.005
 λ 1.043*** 0.012

P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001; n = 1,700 (50 states × 34 y); number of pseudorandom draws used in each model = 250.

All estimated coefficients can be interpreted as point elasticities, meaning they indicate the percentage change in ln Operating Expenditures given a 1% increase (decrease) in that coefficient’s respective variable.

Confidence intervals are provided in SI Appendix, Table S1.


Average marginal effects are the monetary change in operating expenditures corresponding to a 1% increase (decrease) in each variable; they are calculated as x¯β×ln(x¯), where x¯ is the variable mean.