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. 2019 Jul 1;2019(7):CD011621. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011621.pub3
Step:   Hits:   Strategy:
#1   32657   GW{protective clothing OR gown* OR coverall* OR protective layer* OR surgical toga* OR apron* OR smock* OR hazmat suit* OR (hazmat AND suit) OR glove* OR respiratory protective device* OR mask OR masks OR air purifying respirator* OR 'PAPR' OR 'enhanced respiratory and contact precautions' OR 'E‐RCP' OR respiratory protection OR transparent panel* OR surgical mask* OR filtering face piece OR eye protective device* OR goggle* OR visor OR facial protective equipment OR safety glass* OR safety spectacles OR personal protective equipment OR 'PPE' OR protective equipment OR overshoe* OR shoe cover* OR rubber boot* OR head cover* OR face shield* OR surgical hood OR hood OR equipment contamination OR infection control OR gloving OR donning OR doffing}
#2   11286   GW{communicable disease* OR infectious disease* OR disease transmission OR infection control precautions OR human‐to‐human transmission OR parenteral transmission OR viral disease* OR bacterial infection* OR filovirus OR Ebolavirus OR hemorrhagic fever OR Ebola OR Marburg virus OR Lassa virus OR SARS virus OR severe acute respiratory syndrome virus OR 'SARS' OR 'MERS' OR respiratory infection* OR bioterrorism OR aerosol‐generating procedure OR cross infection* OR bacterial contamination OR microbial contamination OR self‐contamination OR decontamination OR surface decontamination OR skin decontamination}
#3   32599   GW{health personnel OR health care worker* OR health care personnel OR health personnel OR health‐personnel OR health provider* OR health care provider* OR medical staff OR medical personnel OR medical professional OR medical worker* OR dental personnel OR dental staff OR dentist* OR dental assistant* OR nursing staff OR nurse* OR nursing assistant* OR nurses' aides OR nurse midwife OR nurse midwives OR midwife OR midwives OR military‐medical personnel OR physician* OR emergency medical services OR transporting patients OR patient transport OR ambulance* OR allied health personnel OR paramedic* OR paramedical personnel OR burial OR burial staff OR cleaning worker* OR cleaner work OR cleaner*}
#4   1250   #1 AND #2 AND #3
#6   1103   #4 AND #5