Summary of expression changes for the key driver genes in LINCS.
A, Expression changes of 7 AR-RGN key drivers induced by 15
antiretroviral therapy (ART) drugs profiled in LINCS. Four key drivers have
validated relationships with cholesterol ester accumulation. Median Z-score of
gene expression ranks are shown within each cell. B, Expression
changes of 7 AR-RGN key drivers in response to ritonavir, nelfinavir,
saquinavir, maraviroc, and raltegravir. Persistent induction of PQBP1 by
ritonavir, and nelfinavir, across a range of cell-line contexts (color legend on
the right; details at suggested that these
compounds increase cholesterol accumulation, possibly by interacting with
PQBP1. AR-RGN, atherosclerosis-related regulatory gene