Figure B1.
Generation time (a, c, e, g, i, k) Tc (hatched line) and level of reproduction R0 (solid line), and (b, d, f, h, j, l) fitness r along a gradient of parent-offspring correlation (0= no correlation, 1= perfect transission of relative size between the parent and the offspring). Panels (a-f) resemble weak size specific phenotypic selection on survival (w1 = 0.075) and fertility (x1 = 0.075, x2 = 0.075) while panel (g-l) illustrate strong phenotypic selection on the trait. Differences in phenotypic correlation in growth are shown for (a, b, g, h) negative correlation (g = 0.25), (c, d, i, j) no phenotpyic correlation in growth (g = 0.5), or (e, f, k, l) poistive phenotpyic correlation in growth (g = 0.75). For panels (b, d, f, h, j, l) three measures of fitness are shown, the exact growth rate r0 (solid line) estimated from the complicated renewal equation (Table 3), the simplest approximation (hatched line) based on the main result (5) only using the amount R0 and mean timing Tc, , and the more accurate approximation (dotted line) using the dispersion terms .