Figure 7.
Influences of the stimulus duration on neuronal responses of mechanoreceptors. A, Spike count (mean and SD) for P cells (orange; N = 12) and T cells (gray; N = 10) for stimuli of 20 and 60 mN with 50, 200, and 500 ms duration, applied at 0° stimulus location (Table 1, estimation task duration). B, Classification results for 60 mN stimulus intensity with three durations (50, 200, and 500 ms). The black dashed line shows chance level, black dots mark the median values, and circles indicate statistical outliers (see Material and Methods). Response features: C, spike count; L, latency; I, first ISI; RD, response duration. P-cell features are shown in orange; T-cell features in gray. C, Classification results for two intensities (20 and 60 mN) in combination with three durations (50, 200, and 500 ms; Table 1, estimation task duration and intensity). For response features and legend see B.