Synapsins do not affect RRP size or mobilization of SVs from the RP. A, Time course of cumulative IPSC charge during trains of 500 stimuli applied at 10 Hz. Amplitude of every tenth eIPSC is plotted. Data points from 20 to 50 s were fitted by linear regression and line was extrapolated back to the y-intercept to estimate RRP size. B, Mean RRP values determined for TWT and TKO neurons, as well as TKO neurons expressing indicated synapsin isoforms. C, Mean values of SV mobilization from RP to RRP, presented as in B. D, Release probability calculated from RRP size. Values indicate means ± SEM. Sample sizes for each group are as follows: TWT (12), TKO (10), synapsin Ia (13), synapsin Ib (11), synapsin IIa (17), synapsin IIb (10), synapsin IIIa (17), and TWT in 4 mm [Ca2+] (14). For B–D, statistical comparisons were done with ANOVA, followed by Holm–Bonferroni post hoc test; asterisks indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).