eIPSC kinetics are regulated by synapsins. A, Evoked IPSCs recorded from TWT and TKO neurons. Superimposed, scaled traces at right illustrate different decay kinetics for eIPSCs from TWT and TKO neurons. Traces represent averaged eIPSCs from 14 TWT neurons and 14 TKO neurons. B, C, Mean rise times (20–80%) and decay time constants measured for eIPSCs in TWT and TKO neurons, as well as in TKO neurons expressing indicated synapsin isoforms. eIPSC decay was prolonged in TKO neurons, as well as in TKO neurons expressing synapsin IIIa. D, Mean eIPSC charge for TWT and TKO neurons, as well as TKO neurons expressing indicated synapsin isoforms. E, Mean quantal content of eIPSCs in TWT and TKO neurons, as well as TKO neurons expressing indicated synapsin isoforms. F, Averaged and normalized eIPSC traces from neurons of the indicated genotypes. G, Integrated eIPSCs calculated from traces in F. For B–E, statistical comparisons were done with ANOVA, followed by Holm–Bonferroni post hoc test; asterisks indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). Number of cells used to generate data in B–G: TWT (14), TKO (14), synapsin Ia (15), synapsin Ib (25), synapsin IIa (14), synapsin IIb (17), and synapsin IIIa (19).