Figure 4.
Anatomical distribution of pitch-responsive voxels. A, Five anatomical ROIs subdividing auditory cortex into standard regions (Morosan et al., 2001). Three ROIs subdivided Heschl's gyrus (HG) based on cytoarchitecture. Prior studies have reported a high density of pitch-responsive voxels in lateral HG (Patterson et al., 2002). The planum temporale and planum polare demarcate regions posterior and anterior to HG, respectively. B, Density of pitch-responsive voxels in each anatomical ROI, measured by the fraction of sound-responsive voxels (harmonic tones + noise > silence) that also exhibited a pitch response (harmonic tones > noise). C, Anatomical ROIs designed to run along the posterior-to-anterior axis of the superior temporal plane and to each include an equal number of sound-responsive voxels (Norman-Haignere et al., 2013). Prior work using these ROIs has shown a high density of pitch-responsive voxels in anterior regions of auditory cortex (Norman-Haignere et al., 2013). D, Density of pitch responses in each posterior-to-anterior ROI. Error bars in B and D represent 1 SE of the plotted density measure across subjects (computed via bootstrap).