Figure 4.
NMDA raises muscle calcium levels in early postnatal muscle. A, Ca2+ response to bath-applied NMDA (200 μm) in an EDL of a P11 CD-1 pup. AP5 (200 μm) blocked most of the response to NMDA. Scale bar, 50 μm. B, NMDA significantly evoked Ca2+ responses in P4–P14 pups compared with control. AP5 blocked the NMDA Ca2+ response (relative brightness (ΔF/F); P4–P7 NMDA, 78 ± 30, AP5, 43 ± 24, control, 24 ± 19, p < 0.001-; P11–P14 NMDA, 95 ± 24, AP5, 43 ± 10, control, 40 ± 8, p < 0.001; P28 NMDA, 50 ± 20, AP5, 35 ± 17, control, 29 ± 10, p = 0.104; adult NMDA, 56 ± 29, AP5, 47 ± 2, control, 49 ± 7, p = 0.789, ANOVA; n = 7, 6, 6, 4).