Figure 3.
Time × condition interaction for SME in the right anterior HC. a, Reductions in the SME from pretest to posttest were larger for face–diagnosis pairs than for face–word pairs in a cluster of voxels in the right anterior HC (in red; peak voxel: 26, −8, −20; overlaid on the memory × time interaction for face–diagnosis pairs in yellow). b, Percentage signal change of the time × condition interaction for SME in the right anterior HC. While the difference between subsequently remembered and forgotten events remained comparable across the two time points for the names condition, for the diagnosis condition there was a significant memory × time interaction. This interaction was driven by the remembered trials that displayed decreased anterior HC activation. c, Decrements of the SME for face–diagnosis pairs in this cluster of voxels correlated with individual differences in medical knowledge gains (r = 0.32, p = 0.04).