[11C]Raclopride binding potential modifications. A, ROI assessment of [11C]raclopride binding potential (BPND) between the different states (n: number of animals in each state). Asterisks indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). The bar graphs show the mean ± SD. B–D, SPM showing changes in [11C]raclopride binding potential (BPND) rendered over coronal (first row), sagittal (second row), and transaxial (third row) sections of the brain Macaca fascicularis MRI template from Ballanger et al. (2013). The statistical threshold of the voxel-based analyses was set at p < 0.001 uncorrected. Specifically, B and C display the significant clusters of increase BPND within the bilateral posterior putamen observed in both the early symptomatic (B) and full symptomatic (C) states compared with baseline, whereas D displays the significant clusters of decreased BPND within the striatum and the limbic part of the ACC (BA 25) observed in the recovered state compared with the full symptomatic condition. Color bars represent the t value.