Figure 3.
Chronic FLX affects anxiety/depression-like states and impairs olfaction. A, Diagram showing experimental groups and study design. B, When administered alone, chronic FLX generated some anxiety and depression-related behaviors in otherwise naive mice, mainly an increase in feeding latency in the novelty suppressed feeding paradigm. C, Chronic FLX impaired olfactory acuity since FLX-treated mice required significantly higher concentrations of N-butanol for odorant detection compared with vehicle-treated animals. Mice treated with FLX displayed a poorer learning rate compared with vehicle-treated animals in D the 80/20 versus 20/80 carvone mixture task, albeit reaching the same final score. E, In the more difficult discrimination task of 60/40 versus 40/60 carvone mixtures, FLX-treated mice displaying a weaker learning rate as well as a lower final score. F, To assess olfactory memory, mice were trained to distinguish between carvone+ and carvone− during 5 consecutive days. Mice were then retested for the carvone discrimination task at 30 d (t 30) following the end of the training session (t 0). FLX-treated animals exhibited an olfactory memory deficit. Values are plotted as mean ± SEM (n = 8–10/group). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.