Fig. 5.
Gata4G295Ski/wt embryos exhibit a deficit in EMT in the pOFT. (A,B) Collagen explant assays of E10.5 pOFTs exhibit differences in EMT after 48 h of ex vivo culture between wild-type (A; n=11) and Gata4G295Ski/wt embryos (B; n=9). White arrows indicate mesenchymal cells. (C) Although the total number of cells is not significantly different between wild type and Gata4G295Ski/wt, the number of spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells is significantly decreased in G295Ski/wt pOFT explants when compared with wild type (P-value=0.018). Consistent with this, the percentage of cells having undergone EMT is also significantly less in Gata4G295Ski/wt explants compared with controls (P=0.0019). *P≤0.05, **P≤0.005, N.S., P>0.05 (Student's t-test). Scale bars: 100 μm.