Mapping the ectodermal clusters by in situ hybridization. Feature plots for indicated marker gene and ectodermal cluster (leftmost panels). E11.5 mouse face in situ hybridization for Dkk4 (A), Barx2 (B), Adamts9 (C) and Stac (D) shown in whole-mount frontal (second panels) or lateral (third panels) view or as frontal sections (right two panels) at different anterior and posterior positions according to the large horizontal double-headed arrow. Lateral and medial nasal process fusion (solid white or black arrows), the nasolacrimal groove (arrowheads), Barx2 expression associated with MdP and MxP fusion (*) and the nasolacrimal duct (white arrow with black outline in B) are shown. The feature plots also show that Dkk4 expression was detected in e3 (marked with dl and also detailed in Fig. S7), with weaker expression of Adamts9 in e5 (overlapping the e10 domain at the NLG) and e9, the periderm. dl, dental lamina; e, eyes; LNP, lateral nasal process; MdP, mandibular prominence; MNP, medial nasal process; MxP, maxillary prominence; oe, olfactory epithelium; v, ventricles. Scale bars: 200 µm.