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. 2019 May 22;47(W1):W212–W224. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz446

Table 2.

Summary of tools benchmarked against ChEA3

Tool TF coveragea Required input Method Data used to make predictions Availability
TFEA.ChIP (9) 271 Gene set or sorted list of DEGs FET or GSEA (15) ENCODE (22) and GEO (19) ChIP-seq experiments R package, Web Server
BART (8) 273 Gene set Correlates cis-regulatory profile derived from query gene set with TF genomic binding profiles DNAse I hypersensitivity, TF ChIP-seq Standalone Application, Web Server
VIPER (5) 454b, 731c, 1,607d Gene signature aREA (analytic Rank-based Enrichment Analysis) (5) ARACNe-generated gene regulatory network in same tissue type as query R package
DoRothEA v2 (7) Reg. A: 163 Reg. B: 188 Reg. C: 313 Reg. D: 416 Reg. E: 1306 Top10Score: 1306 Gene signature aREA (5) Literature, ReMap ChIP-seq (26), TF motif (47,48), GTEx co-expression (12) R object for use with VIPER R package
MAGICACT (11) 109 Gene set Mann-Whitney test ENCODE (22) ChIP-seq Standalone Application

aHGNC-mappable TFs that are considered site-specific TFs as defined by Lambert (1). Some tools contain additional general transcription factors, co-factors, or chromatin modifiers.

bPublished B-cell regulatory network available in the bcellviper R package.

cARACNe-AP built network using expression data from GSE50588 (2,28).

dARACNe-AP built network using expression data from GTEx (12).