Figure 1. Caudal fin recovers from thermal injury, while wound healing is impaired in the presence of infection.
(A) Experimental schematic and analyses. (B) Single-plane brightfield images of caudal fin area of individual wild-type larvae over time in response to simple transection or thermal injury, and in (D) the corresponding quantification of tissue regrowth area. Values are least square means and SE from three biological replicates with associated p values. Total N = 62–71 larvae per time point for each treatment. (C) Single-plane brightfield or fluorescent images of caudal fin area of individual wild-type larvae over time in response to uninfected transection or L. monocytogenes (Lm)-infected transection using mCherry-expressing L. monocytogenes, and in (E) the corresponding quantification of tissue regrowth area over time are shown. Values are arithmetic means and SE from three biological replicates, with associated p values obtained by analyzing ranks due to residuals not being normally distributed. Total N = 39–58 larvae per time point for each treatment. ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. Lines in lighter color depict values for every larva measured over three biological replicates. Scale bar is 100 microns.